Article on Dorothy for Women’s History Scotland

I was recently asked to write a piece on Dorothy for Women’s History Scotland in the run up to her centenary year – a task which I was delighted to undertake. As most of you reading this know, I can write forever about her, and often have!

It has now been published and you can read it at

My thanks to the tireless and ever-patient Julia Hart for makng the introduction, and to Dr Rebecca Mason for liaising with us both about the content of the article.

If you happen to be new to this site and would like to read more about Dorothy’s life then please take a look at the talk I gave about her at the Carnegie Library in Dunfermline some years ago as part of the Fife Local Heroes event.

Poll – Which is your favouite House of Niccolo book?

Another little poll – this time switching series to Niccolo. I’ve seen many discussions of which Lymond book is most liked, but not so many on which one people like best in the House of Niccolo.

This time you can only choose one.

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Unfortunately an update to the poll plug-in on 25th March 2024 has broken it, so the results can’t currently be displayed. If we get a further update it may be reinstated or if I get time I’ll check the database to see if I can pull the data out manually.

Thanks for taking part.


Dorothy Dunnett Centenary Conference: Call For Papers

As part of the Dunnett Centenary Gathering there is a Conference on 20-21 April 2023. The DDS have posted a call for papers on the topic of Understanding diversity in the 15th and 16th centuries.

What did ‘diversity’ mean five or six hundred years ago? How did 15th and 16th century societies across the world deal with difference?

Scholars and specialists in the fields that this topic covers are invited to submit papers of around 15-20 minutes and to submit abstracts (250 words max) and brief biographical notes by 12 Jan 2023.

Fuller details can be found on the DDS website at


A 3rd experimental Lymond poll

Having got a fair number of votes in the first two polls I’m changing tack a bit for this one to see who the favourite supporting characters are. Excluding Francis and Philippa and the various villains, who are your most loved characters? Choose up to 3 of the following.

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Unfortunately an update to the poll plug-in on 25th March 2024 has broken it, so the results can’t currently be displayed. If we get a further update it may be reinstated or if I get time I’ll check the database to see if I can pull the data out manually.

Thanks for taking part