Lymond Chronicles Book Covers
Anyone who has worked in publishing or bookselling knows that publishers' ideas of suitable covers for their authors' books can be, shall we say, a little erratic!
The authors themselves seldom have any say in the process and all too often the illustrators have at best a sketchy idea of the contents of the books. This can result on some very inappropriate results.
Dorothy's books have had many different covers over the six decades since Game of Kings was first published - some of them extremely polished and elegant, and some of them utterly laughable. In general the House of Niccolo has been rather better served, partly because by that point Dorothy, very unusually, did have some influence on them. However The Lymond Chronicles, perhaps because some publishers tried to portray them as romantic rather than historical in nature, have suffered some hilariously bizarre treatments.
Here they are all the covers I've been able to collect so far, presented oldest first. There are a few missing - in particular there seems to have been a third set of Sphere covers of which I've only found one example - so if anyone has a copy of any of them then please get in touch and see if we can scan or photograph them to complete the collections.
Putnam's Hardbacks
Putnam's and Cassell's earliest editions were a bit variable with little consistency. Tartan makes an early appearance desplte Lymond being a lowland Scot and the Putnam's Ringed Castle is a real over-the-top look.
Cassell Hardbacks - first covers
The first two are rather odd drawings that look like they're from widely different time periods, but Disorderly Knights isn't bad and both Pawn in Frankincense and Ringed Castle have a certain watercolour charm - though in rather different styles. However they seem to have run out of ideas for Checkmate and used one very similar to the Putnam's cover
Fawcett Popular Library - paperbacks
This is where things start to get a bit flowery.
Sphere - early editions - paperbacks
Sphere - middle editions - paperbacks
Sphere - later editions - paperback
These were missing before but a correspondent has kindly photographed a set for me and although I'm not certain of the colour temperatures they are certainly good enough to see how they look.
These are better apart from Game of Kings - Ringed Castle and Checkmate are actually fairly realistic. Makes a nice change. Unfortunately we're still missing Disorderly Knights.
These are actually the best attempt at picturing our hero so far, and at the right sort of age. I particularly like Queens' Play and Ringed Castle, though Lymond's face in Disorderly Knights and Checkmate seems different to the others, and maybe has a hint of Peter O'Toole about it.
Arrow later paperbacks
Original and attractive designs by Andrew Skilliter, with input from Dorothy, which is very rare. Apparently they were originally designed so that the entire series could be put together side-by-side into a banner and the background colours would blend in that format, which is a lovely idea, but the banner was never printed.
Michael Joseph trade paperbacks and Penguin paperbacks
These were the first ones I ever saw but they're a bit mixed and can't seem to decide what style they should be.
These are much more tastefully done, although it's a pity that of the six castles pictured only one of them has a connection to the books.
Penguin - latest editions 2018
Russian Editions
These rather curious editions were published in Russia in 1997 and the covers were sent to me by a very interesting and well-read correspondent called Galyna who is a fervent Lymond fan and regards him as very much a Russian style hero - despite not having yet had the opportunity to read Ringed Castle. They are in fact Game of Kings and Queens' Play split into four books, with the former called Game of Kings and Game of Queens and the latter called Game of Jokers and Game of Knights.
Spanish edition of Game of Kings